No one is never too old to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. However, many seniors struggle to maintain a consistent exercise regimen as they age. Wondering where to begin when it comes to getting your aging loved one up and moving?


Rushing into too much too quickly can be a failure especially for seniors. Not only can overdoing it with a new fitness regimen lead to burnout, but it can also result in injuries. And the less seniors move, the less capable and confident they become about moving. Seniors can avoid taking on too much by starting slowly with their limited mobility fitness plans. It’s also essential for seniors to check with their doctors before beginning any new exercise. In addition to clearing seniors for exercise, a physician can also make helpful recommendations for getting started.


Don’t forget stretching! Can be done easily at home using a chair or the wall for balance. Just make sure seniors warm up before stretching to avoid injuries. Cooling down is also important after an exercise regimen.


Want to help your aging loved one derive all of the benefits of working out? Encourage them to do it everyday. Committing to regular exercise has many benefits, including improving energy levels, enhancing mood, weight control, better sleep and decreased risk of everything from hypertension to cardiovascular disease. Just 30 minutes of walking a day can be incredible. More crucial than moving body everyday is moving the right way. Participating in a fitness class specifically aimed at seniors can help ensure that they are performing the correct types of exercises. Research indicates that establishing exercise as a habit plays an integral role in maintaining a fitness routine. Early morning is best for many seniors as it can help them stay on track.

Photo Credit : medicalnewstoday



Working out with friends enable seniors to develop a support network that is readily available. Those who are prepared to deal with medical emergencies may be able to help save a friend’s life if any of the senior suffers sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) during a workout. With cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training, they can be prepared to handle a wide range of medical emergencies that may arise before, during or after an exercise regimen.


Seniors may lose roughly 1.5 liters of water for every hour of exercise. But seniors who remain hydrated will maintain their energy throughout an entire workout. Carry a water bottle together all the time while exercising. This will allow them to stay hydrated any time during work out.