From the Sanskrit word yuji, meaning union, yoga is an ancient practice that brings together mind and body. It incorporates breathing exercises and meditation. Practicing yoga is said to come with many benefits for both mental and physical health. If you’re a passionate yoga practitioner, you’ve probably noticed some yoga benefits like sleeping better or getting fewer colds or just feeling more relaxed.

Photo Credit : the new york times
Yoga is mainly known for its ability to ease stress and promote relaxation. It can decrease the secretion of cortisol, the primary stress hormone. When used alone or along with other methods of alleviating stress, such as meditation, yoga can be a powerful way to keep stress in check.
People begin practicing yoga as a way to cope with feelings of anxiety. It emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and finding a sense of peace, which could help treat anxiety.
Poor sleep quality has been associated with insomnia, high blood pressure and depression, among other disorders. incorporating yoga into your routine could help promote better sleep at night. Yoga has been shown to increase the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness.
Yogic breathing is a practice in yoga that focuses on controlling the breath through breathing exercises and techniques. Most types of yoga incorporate these breathing exercises. There will be an increase in vital capacity. Vital capacity is a measure of the maximum amount of air that can be expelled from the lungs. It is especially important for those with lung disease, heart problems and asthma.
Yoga is a great addition to an exercise routine for its strength-building benefits. there are specific poses in yoga that are designed to increase strength and build muscle. After few yoga sessions, a significant increase in upper body strength, endurance and weight loss will occur.

Photo Credit : medical news today
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