If you eat salads or enjoy lettuce on your sandwiches, chances are you have enjoyed the healthy crunch of romaine lettuce. The type of lettuce that you choose for your salads or other recipes is important. Different types of lettuce have varying degrees of nutritional value. If you prefer romaine lettuce, you should understand the health benefits of this vegetable too.
The high vitamin C content of romaine lettuce makes it a heart-healthy vegetable. One serving of romaine lettuce can provide up to 40% of your recommended daily needs. Vitamin C prevents cholesterol from becoming sticky and adhering to the walls of your blood vessels. If you have heart disease or a strong family history of heart disease, you should include one to two servings of romaine lettuce in your daily diet to keep your heart healthy. Romaine lettuce is also high in vitamin K. Vitamin K is important in helping your blood clot properly and also helps build strong bones.
Potassium is essential for not only heart health, but also for muscle strength. If your potassium levels are low, you may experience muscle weakness. Consuming food rich in potassium is essential for maintaining muscle strength.
The fiber content of romaine lettuce makes it an good supplement for a clean digestive tract. Fiber is a substance that is not digested, so it acts as a sponge to push waste through your intestinal tract and high fiber diets have also been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Romaine lettuce is the perfect salad to eat for a weight loss. To lose weight effectively, you must take in fewer calories per day from food than your body uses. Because romaine lettuce only contains less calories per serving, you may eat large portions of romaine lettuce and still lose weight. In addition, romaine lettuce has a high water content, which can help you feel full quicker when eating.
Believe it or not romaine lettuce is also one of those veggies capable of fighting off cancer cells. The pigment chlorophyll in leafy greens like romaine lettuce actually reduces the risk of developing liver and colon cancer.
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